Happiness Is A Choice
"To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy... is to set our own conditions to the events of each day."
Quote by Ralph Waldo Trine (1866 - 1958) American philosopher & author
WOW... what a simply profound and true statement!
Each and every one of us is the maker of our own reality, so it is incumbant that we exercise our personal power within to CHOOSE how our reality will be.
When I was at the Haven Institute taking the Coming Alive program recently, the facilitator Al Chambers emphasized how happiness resides within us at all times (even if we don't know or feel it) and that we can access it whenever we want. I was tempted to balk at this , but decided I really liked the idea and would keep it as true... AND exercise it as much as possible.
Happiness is within at all times? Hmmm...
... but what about the times that I feel really upset or depressed?
Like the sunshine that sits forever in the sky, though covered temporarily by cloud cover at times, so is true of happiness. It sits in our being like the sunshine, waiting for the temporary clouds of our heart to clear.
I took this photograph from an airplane window... amazed at the beauty. I hope it will remind you to choose happiness whenever you can! I'm practicing with you.
Warmly, Carolyn
http://www.life-balance-success.com/ BEST YOU eBook!
P.S. Thanks to Arlene for the beautiful necklace you see me wearing in this photo!
Labels: "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook, choices, choose, happiness, happy
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