How to Be Happy In Life
I love my Work and Life Balance subscribers... they are wonderful people.
(If you're not already subscribed, go to ). I hear from many of these readers, who write either to compliment me, comment on something I've written, share about their lives or to ask me questions.
I am humbled beyond belief to hear from them... and amazed to think that they believe I may know the answers for their lives.
One of my subscribers just wrote me, expressing how much worry he carries about aspects of his life, his job, his relationship and the security of his future. His request of me was to answer his question, "Please tell me how to be happy in life."
Goodness! Here's what I said to him, and now you...
... Carolyn's profoundly simple answer on how to be happy in life...
"How I wish I had the magical answer to your life… and how I wish I had it for my own life, too!
Your language gives clues that you are living in the past and in fear of the future… so much so that you are undermining today. The most profound tip that I can offer you (that I am doing my best to practice myself) is to live in this very NOW moment.
This means working diligently to let those worrisome thoughts and feelings go (like in the messages I’ve already sent you) and be here and now in this moment. Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow will always be "out there" ahead in time. NOW is the only moment there really is... and it's usually a pretty decent place to hang out, when noticed.
How to come into the NOW?
- Meditation helps
- Yoga helps
- Physical fitness helps
- Releasing fears and focussing on joy helps
- Focus on the good!!!
- See the beauty surrounding you.
This is the best wisdom I can offer you… how you will use it is up to you.
Personally, I hope you choose happiness!"
P.S. Pick up a copy of the incredible book, "The Power of NOW" by Eckhard Tolle... it will definitely help!
Warmly, Carolyn
Labels: Eckhart Tolle, Fitness, happiness, joy, meditation, physical fitness, power yoga, The Power Of Now, worry
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