Do You Have Super-Hero Characteristics?
Hi and welcome!
Here's an exerpt from our soon-to-be-published eBook,
"The BEST YOU POSSIBLE - Tools for Work and Life Balance."

The super-hero role is a dangerous role for anyone to try and fill.
Super-heros are most susceptible to burnout… so, at all costs avoid taking the job description! Working Moms, you are a work group most prone to this “condition” and are called, therefore, to be more aware and diligent with self-care practices.
Don’t wait until you get really sick before you hear the slow-down-message that you already know is before you. The answer?... take a look at what you’re realistically capable of giving at home and in your work. Look at what reasonable blocks of time are needed for each task then use this information as your guide to set clear boundaries for your health care.
These are simple suggestions and yet so hard for some people to put in action. Why? Our counselling experience tells us that most people who bend over backwards to accomplish everything under the sun have a propensity to make others more important than themselves. Many have “leaky boundaries” and don't know how to say no. Many others get an unconscious sense of value from meeting everyone else's agendas, even at their own expense. Praise and approval are not worthy benefits to burn you out. Steady progress is better than perfection!
If you try to live up to super-hero standards at home and work, ask yourself,
“What motivates me / drives me beyond reasonable performance?”
(And, this is a good question to ask yourself if you find that you are not having a life.)
P.S. There’s only one person that can help you break this cycle… and that’s YOU!"
Stay tuned for more news on our eBook launch date!

Warmly, Carolyn
Inner Fitness(R) Programs
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Labels: burnout, hero, motivation, super-hero characteristics
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