Core Secrets
I can't believe it's almost the middle of January already!!
Hi... I'm glad you're visiting.
You've not heard from me for a few days because I am happily working away on our Work Life Balance eBook... and making headway, too. I've just designed a special addition to the eBook, being a "Self-Work Tool Kit" that is filled with useful worksheets that you will be able to write on, almost like a personal journal. This tool kit will be one of your bonuses as you purchase the eBook!
I'll keep you posted... pretty soon we'll even announce a launch date... that's how well it's moving along. Working in our counselling business full-time has made writing the eBook a much longer experience than I ever imagined. We are intent on making this material available to you as soon as possible... thanks for your patience.
So, how have your first two weeks of the New Year been?
I'm pretty tickled...
I set some self-care goals for myself and am feeling really pleased with my progress so far... and am even keeping track of my progress in my "Success Journal"... which I find helps me stay inspired because I can actually SEE my commitment on a time-line. By spring I plan to have stayed steadily to my fitness goals and be feeling stronger and tighter in body.

Here's what Core Secrets is about...
The 1-2-3 Core program is designed to stimulate your body's metabolism, facilitating healthy weight loss. How? Each sequence of exercises consists of four sets, which alternate between muscle groups in the upper body, lower body and your core–so you can work longer with less muscle fatigue. This enables you to reduce your rest time between exercises–so you burn more calories than you would with weight lifting alone. And, since your body stays in constant motion, your heart rate stays elevated throughout the workout. It's beneficial and fun, too.
Here's the link, if you want to explore it for yourself...
Well, back to working on the eBook!

Inner Fitness(R) Programs
Labels: Core Secrets, counselling, exercise ball, Gunnar Peterson, journal, metabolism, self-care goals, weight loss, Work Life Balance eBook
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