A Wonderful Day of Rest
Happy New Year to you!
The end of another year presents a perfect opportunity to reflect on all the goodness that is present in your life, bring it forward into this moment, then send it out in visualization or prayer to create that which you would like for your New Year.
We wish you all of your dreams come true!
Richard and I brought the New Year in celebrating in the way that makes us most happy... "ballroom" dancing in each others arms to the oldie songs of long ago. Dressed up pretty and feeling the very best about myself, being close with my lover and celebrating with our community members made for a lovely evening.
Maybe you spent it in a similar way, or perhaps it was a really quiet year end... how doesn't even matter. I feel it is not so much the quantity of the event, it's the quality in your heart of the year end that most matters. Funny how melancoly many people become as another year arrives... it becoming a natural time to reflect and dream. For some the new year represents a completion, perhaps of old feelings, patterns of behaviour or moving on from an unfulfilling relationship.
For many again, the New Year becomes the focal point to approach life somewhat differently, to infuse fresh attitudes, fresh behaviours and optimism.
Today, January 1st, has been a wonderful day of rest! Being a person with a natural bundle of energy, I seldom take time to do absolutely nothing... but today was one of those days where I simply rested. I read the new edition of the National Geographic (thanks Mom and Dad), drank tea, considered 2007 goals, snuggled with our Diva cat, wrote in my journal... and simply rested. A perfect 1st day of the year, if you ask me! I hope yours was like mine, even to some degree.
I'm delighted the days are beginning to lenthen here on the westcoast of Canada. The New Year symbolizes a slow movement again towards spring, each day several minutes longer... much like a sigh in my bones. In the light, I come alive again. Sometimes I think I must have been a bear in another incarnation (chuckle!) because it is what I seem to do through our dark, wet winters.
So, today my feet and hips are sore from our liveliness on the dance floor... but I am happy to have these aches and pains because they've reminded me all day of the joy I felt being glided across the floor by my Fred Astaire last night.
Richard and I wish you your every dream come true for this coming New Year. May it be a healthy, fulfilling year of much promise and growth for you and your loved ones.

Warmly, Carolyn
Inner Fitness(R) Programs
P.S. Richard and I DID work on our Work and life Balance eBook... I'll keep you with frequent updates.
Labels: Fred Astaire, prayer, visualization
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