Our eBook Is Complete!
Hi and welcome.
I'm excited to say, "Ta Da!" (with a musical tone to it) today!
After much anticipation, Richard and I are pleased to announce that our "Becoming the BEST YOU... Tools for Work and Life Balance" eBook is finally complete. A labour of love, this has been an eight month journey of working diligently at the computer each day.
By far, the hardest part of writing this eBook has been how to condense down 26 and 30 years of counselling and teaching experience into a publication without it becoming 500 pages long! We initially aimed to produce a 75 - 100 page book, but it quickly expanded to a now 111-pages. This is largely the reason the completion has taken MUCH longer than originally intended (and promised). We're sure that you'll agree, it will have been worth the wait.
So, what do we hope our readers (hopefully including you) will get out of this BEST YOU eBook?
The goal of this eBook is to help you remember how possible and powerful it is to choose to live in natural expression of your true potential, to embrace your personal abilities and find greater balance by embracing the flow of life. Aspiring to be and do your best to balance the urgent need for material success and security opens the freedom to explore the richness in love, play, creative expression and new depths of intimacy in your relationships. Improve your personal life first and the quality of your work life will improve, too!
Working with this eBook will lead you on an adventure to remember your true nature, helping you to remember the important difference between balancing the many extremes of DOINGS needed in your daily life with the essence and inspiration of your BEING… in order to experience the BEST YOU in a healthy, balanced way of living and working.
Working with this eBook will lead you on an adventure to remember your true nature, helping you to remember the important difference between balancing the many extremes of DOINGS needed in your daily life with the essence and inspiration of your BEING… in order to experience the BEST YOU in a healthy, balanced way of living and working.
Over the years, we’ve seen how the application of specific self-care practices can make a difference to the quality of life that individuals live… simple tools, with transformational results.
What is Work Life Balance?
What is Work Life Balance?
We teach that balance is a dynamic process… not a destination. Balance is a verb, rather than a noun… active and ever-changing. Much like a tight-rope walker naturally wavers to keep his balance; life is naturally like this, too… dealing with life’s challenges in the best way possible.
The task of the average working person is to maximize every opportunity in their home and work environments to optimize being as “balanced on the wire” as possible. How? By implementing simple practices that address every aspect of the human experience… which means looking after oneself well physically, emotionally, mentally, in relationships, in their work space and in spirit, too. We have much to offer here!
We know that when individuals take exceptional care of balancing their personal lives, they then bring a much better balance into their work experience. Their outlook is brighter and more optimistic. They tend to have better concentration and focus, they don’t have as many things pulling them in a million directions… overall, they have less stress and overwhelm. Yes, balance ends up expressed a little different for every person depending on what challenges and opportunities are going on in their lives, but the road to balance consists of pretty much the same ingredients… exceptional self-care in every aspect of life.
I'm not kidding when I say that this eBook is busting at the seams with information! Every page is absolutely full. Tastefully infused with graphics and even a few of my favourite photographs, too, it is visually appealing... or at least, that's the feedback so far.
The next phase of this eBook introduction is to now prepare our website to be able to deliver this downloadable file (along with it's companion two bonus chapters AND Relaxation Guided Meditation MP3!) in a seamless way.
Assuming this next step proceeds as smoothly as I hope it will, our "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook will be available very shortly! Thankfully, I'll have the valuable help of my friend, Sheila Martin to make this so. I may even have an exact launch date for you within the next few days... I'll certainly keep you alerted.

Warmly, Carolyn
Inner Fitness(R) ProgramsLabels: balance, eBook, guided meditation, healthy relationships, spirituality, stress, work life balance
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