BALANCE... an all-important elixer of life to keep equilibrium... a much sought after space of mind, heart and Being. Renew yourself!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How to Have the Best Marraige Ever!

Richard and I have been asked to teach a seminar to a group of real estate agents and mortgage brokers this May, entitled, "How to Have the Best Marraige Ever." Realtors and brokers are often so focussed on building financial success that their personal lives and relationships become stressed.

What a privelege for us to be invited to meet with these business people and offer our wisdom on how to re-build their marraiges! Twenty seven years strong in our own relationship, we have some definite smarts to share.

I asked Richard last night what he thought was "Thee #1 Necessary Ingredient" for a couple to have a healthy marraige is, but before I tell you what his answer was, take a guess as to what he said. (Remember, Richard's a Transpersonal Counsellor and has been helping individuals and relationships for over 30 years... so he's got some insight in this regard.)

Do you think he said? ...

"Couple's need their individual alone time."

"Brutal honesty is key."

"Couples need to have a good fight now and then."

None of the above statements were his answer. Richard's answer first surprised me but then didn't surprise me, after considering our own marraige commitment.

He believes that "Thee #1 Necessary Ingredient" for couples to have a good marraige is...

... that each of the individuals exercise a strong commitment to lifelong personal growth!

You see, without each of the individuals growing, evolving and becoming more actualized in their potential and within themselves, they stagnate as a person which ultimately diminishes the quality and depth of their partnering, as well.

We highly suggest that if you are suffering a poor marraige, step back and first take a serious look at yourself. Ask yourself these questions...
  • Are I living as fully as I can as an individual?
  • Or, have I become a slouch of a person, uninterested in life and being less than the best person I can be?
Two highly actualized individuals have much more to relate about about than two who are stuck and feeling poorly about themselves. Our recommendations for creating a good marraige include...

... instead of making your partner the problem, first consider that you are contributing to the marraige not being as good as it can be

... commit to becoming a more interesting, life-filled individual

... buy yourself a copy of our "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook and do the prescribed work it offers

... attend a personal growth workshop or two (our eBook makes various recommendations in this regard).

This would be a really good starting place! That's not to say that work IN the marraige doesn't need support, too, I'm simply suggesting that YOU are the starting point.

To get Get your copy of the BEST YOU book right here, right now... You'll have the book and its bonuses within moments, to get started right away.

P.S. There are "7 (other) Key Commitments" (the secret ingredients of our marraige success) listed in our eBook... to have the healthiest marraige ever!!! $27 will get you the tools to make yours more successful.

Warmly, Carolyn

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not married yet but my relationship is going that way anyway. I have always been the kind of person who is open to growth and my boyfriend is as well. But I also think that understanding comes into play. Sometimes, even though we both want growth as individuals and as a couple, we can have very selfish tendencies.

3:54 AM

Blogger Richard Clarke said...

Hi Jen,
Thanks for your comment... and good that you have a relationship aligned with personal growth.

For sure, understanding is a huge part of relating. There is an important need to find happy levels of working together so that both our individual AND mutual needs are being met, hopefully without too much life compromise.

7:56 AM


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