Why Love Heals: How Friendships Keep You Healthy
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Are you wearing any green today? (Were Richard's Mom Amy still with us, she'd be celebrating her 107th birthday today... she was such a sweet lady, a real "Scottie"!)
A quick little update first and then I have an interesting article for you to read about the healing value of friendships.
Our newly completed eBook, "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" and two bonuses have now been turned into PDF files, a necessary step for us to be able to deliver them through email... so this step is now ready for operation.
A quick little update first and then I have an interesting article for you to read about the healing value of friendships.
Our newly completed eBook, "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" and two bonuses have now been turned into PDF files, a necessary step for us to be able to deliver them through email... so this step is now ready for operation.

We're now working to make it possible to deliver our Relaxation guided meditation in the same way, for it to come into your computer as a sound file. We're also working to make our website able to facilitate the whole sale transaction for a seamless, easy purchase. Soon, soon, soon!
As you recall, I have emphasized the real importance of including friendships in our work and life balance equation. Thanks to MSN Lifestyle: Boomers for a good article posted today, entitled;
Why Love Heals: How Friendships Keep You Healthy
Written (well) By Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, MD
Here are a few of the opening paragraphs...
"There is an actual, physical chunk of brain that runs your emotions called the limbic brain. You can trace its development back a hundred million years. You can see it on an MRI. Every second you spend with other people, your limbic brain is tuning in to them, being changed by their moods, and changing theirs in turn. It's a constant, life-affirming limbic dance.
Experimental psychologists have known for decades that we share moods. If you don't believe me, just think of the people who make you feel better simply by walking into a room. These sorts of interactions feel so good (directly and unconsciously) that we would wither away without them. This is why you should never underrate the emotional side of your life.
Women are better than men at keeping the limbic dance going by working to ensure that families stay connected as the years go by and by building lasting friendships and deep connections from the many different aspects of their lives. High school and college friends, friends from work, friends from raising children together, from neighborhood committees, from shared vacations -- sure, some of these bonds and friendships fall away as part of the natural cycle of growing and changing, but most women find new friendships to replace them. Women who don't find close friendships, who have trouble keeping up connections, need to make an effort to change those patterns.
Hundreds of research studies confirm that isolation hurts us and connection heals us through the same physical mechanisms as exercise and healthy diet. Blood vessels are measurably more elastic, the heart's ability to respond to extraordinary demands is higher, cardiac inflammatory protein levels are lower, and blood pressure response to exercise is better in more connected people. Their stress-hormone blood profiles are also measurably healthier than those of isolated people."
For the remainder of the article, click here...
As you recall, I have emphasized the real importance of including friendships in our work and life balance equation. Thanks to MSN Lifestyle: Boomers for a good article posted today, entitled;
Why Love Heals: How Friendships Keep You Healthy
Written (well) By Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, MD
Here are a few of the opening paragraphs...
"There is an actual, physical chunk of brain that runs your emotions called the limbic brain. You can trace its development back a hundred million years. You can see it on an MRI. Every second you spend with other people, your limbic brain is tuning in to them, being changed by their moods, and changing theirs in turn. It's a constant, life-affirming limbic dance.
Experimental psychologists have known for decades that we share moods. If you don't believe me, just think of the people who make you feel better simply by walking into a room. These sorts of interactions feel so good (directly and unconsciously) that we would wither away without them. This is why you should never underrate the emotional side of your life.
Women are better than men at keeping the limbic dance going by working to ensure that families stay connected as the years go by and by building lasting friendships and deep connections from the many different aspects of their lives. High school and college friends, friends from work, friends from raising children together, from neighborhood committees, from shared vacations -- sure, some of these bonds and friendships fall away as part of the natural cycle of growing and changing, but most women find new friendships to replace them. Women who don't find close friendships, who have trouble keeping up connections, need to make an effort to change those patterns.
Hundreds of research studies confirm that isolation hurts us and connection heals us through the same physical mechanisms as exercise and healthy diet. Blood vessels are measurably more elastic, the heart's ability to respond to extraordinary demands is higher, cardiac inflammatory protein levels are lower, and blood pressure response to exercise is better in more connected people. Their stress-hormone blood profiles are also measurably healthier than those of isolated people."
For the remainder of the article, click here...
Enjoy! So, stay tuned for my next update.
Here's to getting together with your (green) friends today, afterall, it is Saturday and St. Patrick's Day, too.
Inner Fitness(R) Programs
Labels: "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook, balance, friendships, work life balance
شركة دهب كلين هى افضل شركة ابادة جميع انواع الحشرات بالاحساء
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء
نقدم كل ماهوه جديد فى عالم مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات معا الضمان الشامل بدون اى ضرار وخروج من المنل لانان نستخدم افضل انواع المبيدات المستورده والجوده العاليه لاباده فورى اتصل بنا
4:27 AM
شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض 0500091013 ارخص شركة نقل عفش – إدارة سعودية
شركة نقل عفش بالرياض هي شركة تقوم بنقل الاثاث شاملا كل اجزاءه وانواعه سواء الاثاث
الخشبي او المفروشات والاجهزة الكهربائيه وسجاد وادوات مطبخ وزجاج وتحف ونجف وغيره
فالشركة متخصصه في هذا المجال ولديها خبره لسنوات فيه كما ان الشركة دائما تسعى لتطوير نفسها
ومتطلعه لكل جديد في هذا المجال لمعرفة أحدث التقنيات المستخدمه سعيا منها لتوفير الجديد في مجال
نقل العفش داخل الشركه كي تستطيع تقديم أفضل الخدمات للعملاء وإرضائهم
نقدم أفضل خدمات نقل العفش و ذلك عن طريق الإلتزام و الانضباط بالمواعيد المحددة مع العميل و توصيل العفش الي المكان المحدد بسلامة دون أن يتعرض لخدش واحد أو كسر فنحن نستخدم كل ما هو جديد في عالم نقل العفش من أدوات حديثة و سيارات واسعة و كل شيء بالإضافة الي أننا لا نقوم بنقل العفش بالطرق التقليدية بل نستخدم أحدث الطرق فنحن نقوم بتفكيك العفش باستخدام أدوات
نقل اثاث بالرياض
ثم نقوم بتغليفه ذلك باستخدام أفضل أنواع مواد التغليف ثم نقوم بوضعه في كراتين و صناديق متينة مرقمة و ذلك حتي لا ننسي أي قطعة من قطع الأثاث ، بعد ذلك يبدأ العمال بتنزيل العفش و تحميله داخل السيارات و غالبآ يتم تنزيل العفش عن طريق الأوناش الهيدروكليكية و السلالم الكهربائية و ذلك لضيق المداخل و بعد أن يتم تحميل العفش داخل السيارات تبدأ السيارات بالتحرك و معها العمال و ذلك لتركيب العفش في المكان الجديد و يتم توصيل العفش للعميل كما كان دون خدش أو كسر فنحن نحرص تماما علي سلامة كل قطعة من العفش سواء صغيرة أو كبيرة .
فالشركة لديها العماله المدربه والمؤهله للتعامل مع جميع أنواع الاثث وجميع أجزاء مفروشات المنزل
كما ان الشركه لا يقتصر فقط نقلها للأثاث المنزلي بل الشركة أيضا لديها الامتانيات التي تستطيع من خلالها
نقل اثاث الفنادق والملاعب والنوادي والمكاتب والشركات لتصل الى جميع الطبقات والفئات
تخزين اثاث بالرياض
لدينا افضل الطرق والتقنيات في تخزين الاثاث لاطول فترة دون المساس به او اتلافه
و نقوم بتغليف الاثاثذلك باستخدام أفضل أنواع مواد التغليف ثم نقوم بوضعه في كراتين و صناديق متينة مرقمة و ذلك حتي لا ننسي أي قطعة من قطع الأثاث ، بعد ذلك يبدأ العمال بتنزيل العفش و تحميله داخل السيارات و غالبآ يتم تنزيل العفش عن طريق الأوناش الهيدروكليكية و السلالم الكهربائية و ذلك لضيق المداخل و بعد أن يتم تحميل العفش داخل السيارات تبدأ السيارات بالتحرك و معها العمال و ذلك لتركيب العفش في المكان الجديد و يتم توصيل العفش للعميل كما كان دون خدش أو كسر فنحن نحرص تماما علي سلامة كل قطعة من العفش سواء صغيرة أو كبيرة .
نقل اثاث بالرياض
[URL=https://elawaeil.com/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%A3%D8%AB%D8%A7%D8%AB-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6-%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9/]نقل اثاث بالرياض[/URL]
6:57 AM
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