Are You Blobbing Yet?
I'd like to pay tribute to all of my Australian readers and subscribers today!!
Hat's off to all of you Aussies seeking Work and Life Balance. Having vacationed in Australia many years ago, I admit I saw no signs of anyone living in stress and needing balance tips and tools. Perhaps it was because I was in sight-seeing mode, my eyes seeing merely the beauty of the city and countryside... I simply had no inside peek into "real life" Australia.
I can hardly wait to visit Australia again in the future. It is a VAST country with such diverse cultures, landscapes, climates, vegetations and peoples. We, as Canadians were made to feel very welcome throughout our travels. Sydney is an awesome city... Melbourne another beautiful and interesting city... the Gold Coast hot and gorgeously filled with bronze beauties everywhere. Holding a koala bear melted my heart. My photographer self was very busy there, capturing the great sights... here's one of my moment caught on film. (This sunset moment sent me into immediate inner balance!)

Thanks to my Australian friend, Martin for sharing an Aussie expression with me in an email recently. He was telling me about how busy he'd been with a project over the last eight weeks and then said, "I treated myself to two blob days where I recharged my batteries."
When I inquired what a "blob" day is, he emailed me again, saying, "In Australia we say a slow day where you relax and take a load off is a day where you blob! Hence a blob day!"
Thanks so much, Martin... this is worth sharing around!
So, my Work and Life Balance reader friends, I hope you'll catch the Australian spirit and treat yourself to frequent all-important "Blob Days" too! Blobbing is really vital to our entire wellbeing. Smile... if you find that expression as contagious as I do, spread it around!
Blobbing (relaxation) is a really good thing for life balance.

Warmly, Carolyn
BEST YOU eBook is available at
Labels: blob, recharging, relax, relaxation, Work and Life Balance, work life balance
Cheers Carolyn. Yep, we're a laid-back lot :)
9:16 PM
Hi Scott,
Thanks for saying hi and sharing your blog link... the value of exercise is good information!
Exercise is a happy part of life for me. It is such a vital component to our wellbeing I've devoted a substantial chapter to physical health (dietary and exercise) in my "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook, all about Work and Life Balance.
Your work is contributing to people living more in balance, too! Yay!
Warmly, Carolyn
11:08 AM
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