Mindfulness Meditation
I love this following quote, thanks to Elaine St. James... have a read.
"An amazing thing happens when we slow down. We start to get flashes of inspiration. We reach a new level of understanding and even wisdom. In a quiet moment we can get an intuitive insight that can change our entire life and the lives of the people around us in incredibly positive ways. And those changes can last a lifetime. Living more simply will make it possible to create those quiet moments. Out of those quiet moments miracles happen. Be open to them.”
(C) 2005 Photo by Carolyn Clarke, all rights reserved.
It seems we're all challenged to move faster and faster in these crazy times, in order to produce and accomplish more than ever before. But it comes at a high cost of revving ourselves up to an unnatural and unbalanced pace of life and work... usually our health reflecting the imbalance first.
Quiet times are vital to our whole being... to finding the quiet place within our soul, heart and uncluttered mind. When we take those still moments, even brief, we open to a deeper connection with the creative forces within and out.
I offer you this simple mindfulness meditation to practice for renewed energy and creativity;
Ideally be in a quiet place in the outdoors, but if not, find a quiet spot indoors to sit still and uninterupted for at least a few minutes.
Close your eyes and become aware of the air that you breathe with every inhalation... and every exhalation. Cool breath coming in, warm breath leaving.
Just breathe... gently in then gently and fully out.
Nothing else, just breathe.
If your mind gets busy or distracted, catch yourself, let the busy thought go and go back to your breath.
Feel your chest rise with every breath... and lower with every exhalation.
Your body rhythms will slow, relaxation gently moves in. Muscles soften. Facial expression softens.
Nothing more but simple breath mindfulness. Remain here for as long as you feel inclined.
Before you prepare to stir to activity again, if there is something that you wish to affirm about yourself or your life, this would be the perfect time to insert a positive statement into your meditation. It might be a phrase such as;
"I, (say your name) am a peaceful, balanced person."
"I, (say you name) open myself to _________ (fill in the space with whatever is important to you)."
Even as few as ten minutes spent in this way each day can have lasting and powerful effects on your sense of wellbeing and your health. Take this time in the morning or during your lunch break and your day will be one of ease and being "centered."
Good for you for your interest in becoming more balanced! With subtle changes and inclusions of practices, you CAN make a dramatic difference to how you experience your life.
Warmly, Carolyn
your Personal Change Consultant
Inner Fitness(R) Programs
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