6 Ingredients for Life

#1 - Movement
It might be dance (like we did 10 times a day at Haven!), yoga, a long walk or whatever. I've actually been having two long periods of movement each day over this last while... early in the morning and then later in the afternoon to let go of the "stuff of the day." I don't know about you but I am most alive when I am home in my body and moving.

No work, no worries, just time to use in whatever way I want. Never one to sit down with a book, I've begun to change that now.
What am I reading right now? An exceptional book called, "The Exquisite Risk" by Mark Nepo, it's all about daring to live the fullest and most authentic life.
What am I reading right now? An exceptional book called, "The Exquisite Risk" by Mark Nepo, it's all about daring to live the fullest and most authentic life.
#3 - Time in nature
The blossoms on our cherry trees are absolutely incredible right now and the unfurling leaves emerging from each of our trees reminds me to be present and witness the incredible adventure that Mother Nature offers us.

Guzzling a whole litre of water each day over these last three weeks (more than usual) reminds me of the incredible benefits to all of health, joints, cleansing and elimination. My skin has not looked this hydrated for a while.

I realize how much of my / our eating is out of social interest and entertainment! AND, how I realize how LITTLE food my body actually requires for functioning WHEN I TRULY LISTEN!

The most important ingredient for life, breathing generallygets so little attention in our lives. But, to actually highlight breathing in a 10 - 15 minute block of time each day is like plugging into a live wire full of voltage. Conscious breathing contributes SO much to life's vitality!
Life consumes so much of our day-to-day attention to the point that it becomes much too easy to "fall asleep" to the all-important factors that really fuel life... well, no more for me. These ingredients are my new discipline with myself.
Life consumes so much of our day-to-day attention to the point that it becomes much too easy to "fall asleep" to the all-important factors that really fuel life... well, no more for me. These ingredients are my new discipline with myself.
How are you doing with including these six ingredients into your life? They really can help, I know.
A new self emerging, Carolyn
Labels: breathing, deep breathing, exercise, Mark Nepo, movement, nature, playtime, The Exquisite Risk, The Haven, The Haven Institute, water
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