Welcome Balance Seekers!
Thanks for visiting my first blog entry...
designed for busy people like you...
those seeking to create a rich work and personal life...
those seeking to create a rich work and personal life...
...in balance.
Stay tuned as I (happily) offer tips and techniques drawn from my 26 year career in the Transpersonal Counseling field. I work to practice what I preach, applying my own learnings and wisdom... and so, I offer you this blog humbly.

My personal lifelines for balance are primarily found through dance, nature, photography, yoga and journal writing... I'll tell you more about them each time I write.
I'd love to hear from you, feel free to write me with your unique balance secrets and suggestions.
What do you do to infuse your work and personal life with balance?
Balance... a calm in the midst of much ado...
enjoy my photo, to me it speaks vividly of the peaceful calm that we all seek...
and what the world could use more of these days!

All rights reserved, no duplication allowed.
Warmly, Carolyn Clarke
View more of my images are visible in my Terra Images gallery page at