7 Work Life Balance Tips
Hi and welcome!
My thanks to Jeff Wuorio for writing a good little article for the Microsoft Small Business Center, entitled, “Need Work – Life Balance? 7 Tips.”
One of the 7 points that Jeff makes is a good one that I frequently make… I overbook my time. Not because I think I’m Wonder Woman and believe I can achieve it all, but rather that I incorrectly estimate how much time each task will take. I optimistically estimate that a task will take two hours, when in fact, it takes the better part of a day then wonder why I end up frustrated. It seems I’ve accomplished far less than intended, when in fact, I’d set the bar too high in the first place.
Here’s what Jeff says about this one point;
“Don't overbook.
This may seem unusual to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday. The problem is: Things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda. That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down appointments, unreturned phone calls and other items that simply aren't going to happen. "Don't try to plan on doing too many things," says McGonagle. "Assume that only 50% of the things you plan on doing today will actually get done. If you don't, you'll just waste valuable time trying to find out why things didn't happen."
To read the rest of the article, click on this link:
It’s a quick little article with several good points to help you with your work life balance. I'm sure there’ll be a few ideas for you to use.
Stay well until I talk to you again really soon.
Warmly, Carolyn
Inner Fitness® Programs
Labels: Microsoft Business Center, setting the bar too high, Wonder Woman, work life balance