There's No Place Like Home!
I don't know about you but I LOVE experiencing and seeing my creativity in action!
It's been a blazing hot day and I am happy to have given myself the entire day to work around the outside of our home and in the garden. There have been numerous incomplete projects pulling at me for up to two years, but today they got crossed off the "to-do list." They are now complete.
This day has been a most energetic one of progress in action. The paintbrush came out and within a few hours our deck railing had a fresh coat of forest green paint. What a great difference!

The driveway garden that has been barren for 16 years (!) now has Shasta Daisies planted the whole length of it... topped off with a decorative layer of bark mulch. What an amazing difference!
The planter box at the side of the house, which always looks sweet in spring but blah throughout the summer, now has a mixture of colourful perrenials in its palette for all the summers ahead.
These projects have given me tremendous joy today. Working steadily to improve certain parts of our home that have been lacking has refreshed my feeling about our home, and also affirmed my thrill at seeing my creativity unleashed.
2006(C) Photo by Carolyn Clarke, all rights reserved
Much of my career work is administrative in nature, looking after the operation of our business... an important role but not always a creative one. This I know about myself... I personally love to see the results of my work, but it isn't always apparent how many phone calls and paper sorting tasks I've accomplished at the end of the usual business day. Working with my hands on a tangible project, as I did today, gives me the opportunity to see my efforts and progress from start to finish... witnessing a transformation right before my eyes.
I don't know about you but I really NEED to indulge my creativity in various types of projects and see tangible results at the end of my day.
There are still a few other projects I want to work on before the summer merges into fall and it's time to come indoors again.
How about you? Are you like me and need to express that inner artist of yours working on projects around your home. Even if I could afford to hire these projects out, I wouldn't because they help me fulfil parts of my nature that need expression!
My task list is getting shorter and home is looking more refreshed than it has in a few years.
There is no place like home! I hope your home is a blessed santuary for you, too.

Warmly, Carolyn
your Personal Change Consultant
Inner Fitness(R) Programs
Labels: completing projects, creativity, gardening, sanctuary, transformation