Money Management for A Healthy Life
If Richard and I ever decide to publish a revised edition to our "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook, we will definitely include another chapter. Along with these important topic chapters already covered...
... we realize that MONEY MANAGEMENT best also be included in the Work and Life Balance equation!!! If our money condition is a mess, it overflows into the rest of our lives, no matter HOW balanced we might be in all other aspects!
We have just spent a week with one of the planet's smartest money management teachers, Mr. Rick Ruby!
Warm thanks to Rick and Britt Ruby and his company Core Training for including Richard and me in their bi-annual Summit Convention, where we taught an "Eliminating Fear Through Stress Management" seminar for their real estate agents and mortgage brokers coaching members. (Fear is pretty rampant in the USA real estate business these days with the collapse of the morgage industry.)
Core Training is a coaching company that helps accomplished, high earning realtors and mortgage brokers reduce their expenses while boosting their savings, in order to create healthier businesses and healthier lives! Rick and his team of coaches do an awesome job of helping the members and we're honoured to be included in their program. Our involvement with Core is to help the members address the more personal aspect of their lives, in order to create balance in their homes, health and relationships.
This Summit was held in the beautiful Huntington Beach area of California, an hour south of Los Angeles, literally across the street from the sprawling Pacific Ocean beaches. We thoroughly enjoyed our involvement with all of the Core staff and members, plus our additional two days to enjoy the area afterwards.
Here are a few photos to enjoy of the lovely Hilton Huntington Beach Resort where the event was held at, and including a few images of Richard and me having fun during the Hawaiian Luau theme dinner...
Richard and I are definitely skilled to help you get your personal lives and relationships in a healthy condition. To get your copy of the Inner Fitness(R) "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible eBook" and companion bonuses (including a blissful Relaxation guided meditation), click here...
Labels: Core Training, money, money management, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, Work and Life Balance, work life balance