Making Curiosity A Life Motivator
Hi again,
My three times away in seminars at the Haven Institute over these last six months have gifted me with many insights into the deeper understanding and nature of who I am as a person, what holds me back AND what inspires me to become anew. When I found the following quotation this morning, I knew I wanted to share it with you because it really speaks to what I feel has become a vital place in my continued personal growth... have a read...
"The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
Quotation by Charles Du Bos (1882-1939) French literary critic
I interpret this to mean that unless I am willing to both examine AND release those non-working aspects of myself, I will be unable to truly move ahead in a greater potential within. Keep actively evaluating and checking into me! Listen deeply and act to make changes when ready. Change is good... and through change, I just keep expanding in my levels of life / self enrichment and fulfilment.
My focus has now become having a sense of curiosity about;
- Who I am (and I'm never the same person I was yesterday)?
- What's working and what's not working for me in my life now?
- What would I like to focus my creative attention on today?

Curiosity, instead of reaction and fear-based thinking is now the primary place I am approaching my life from... and I like this vantage point! What an incredible shift. Suddenly, I'm asking the following questions of myself AND being open to hearing new answers...
Who can I make myself into now?
What can I let go of that would open me to greater freedom and expression?
What would I like to create of myself and life next?
To me, these are great new questions for a new way of being. Have you asked yourself any of these questions in the last while? You might find yourself excited, as I am with a new and curious inquiry into your Self.
Finally, I was very pleased to realize that our "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook is addressing this exact issue... helping individuals to realize those limiting aspects within, set them free and grow into a greater sense of realized potential within. Very cool, indeed. Of course, you can get your copy of our eBook by clicking the link below.
My big word is CURIOSITY these days!
Warmly, Carolyn
Labels: honesty, personal growth, realizing your potential, The Haven, The Haven Institute