Video for Working Moms
Thanks to for featuring Carol Evans, CEO of Working Mother Media in a short 3-minute video that talks about with what working mothers are looking for in their workplace, things that will support them to not only be good employees but also better parents, too.
Though having a good job and giving high quality job performance is important, if it cuts into the quality of life that working Moms are having with their children, it makes for an imbalanced, suffering experience for all. Thankfully, more and more corporations are offering alternative answers for working Moms, such as flexibile work times to job sharing and working from home.

Ms. Evans is the author of a book, entitled “This Is How We Do It – A Practical Guide for Working Moms.” Having studied and interviewed many large corporations and employees of those corporations, she has put together this important manifesto specifically for Moms.
Though I’ve not read her book, I got a strong sense from watching her in the video that she is a sensitive parent and solid person offering practical remedies. If you are a working Mom, you might look for this book.
Have a look at the video by clicking this link…
Warmly, Carolyn
P.S. Don't forget, our "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook also offers strategies for working parents... available at
Labels: "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" eBook, being a better parent, Carol Evans,, This Is How We Do It - A Practical Guide for Working Moms, working Moms, Working Mother Media