Raw Food Cleanse
I have been focussed whole-heartedly on a month long raw food cleanse... that's why you've not heard from me in that long.
Always one to eat healthfully anyways, I decided to take it one serious step further and experiment with eating entirely raw for the first time. I’ve done well with it, liking the ease and energy of it all.
My commitment has been on making "Green Smoothies" as my morning and lunch-time meals, consisting of various pieces of fresh fruit as well as a few leafy greens blended together in the blender. (As I write, I am drinking a smoothie made with a banana, 1/4 of a pineapple, 1/2 an avocado, an orange, tsp. of bee pollen and 3 leaves of swiss chard... yup, you read it right.. and it's delicious!)
Later in the day I get my chewing satisfaction by eating a great salad... colourful with variety and now including a sprinkle of nuts and tuna, shrimp or chicken.

Ugh... the first week of cutting out dairy, wheat and meat launched me into a flu-like detoxifying condition for awhile. I got through the more serious symptoms of stuffy head and nose-blowing after approximately ten days... I suspect a by-product of having eaten a fairly high degree of dairy products pre-cleanse.
After eating 100% raw for the first two weeks, I admit to feeling that it was too radical for me and the temptations to totally blow it came forward, so I made a few shifts and vow that moderation needs to be more my way for now. Subsequently, I have settled into preferring a 95% raw plan, with inclusions of fish, hard boiled eggs, occasional bowls of non-dairy based soups, chicken, steamed veggies and even dark chocolate. I'm also allowing an occasional glass of red wine. Perhaps I’ll want to take raw a bit deeper at a later stage.
So, in addition to feeling much better and having more energy, I’ve lost another 4 pounds since going raw, down to the same slim and nicely comfortable weight I was at ten years ago… and down a total of 19 pounds from this time last year when I began my personal growth seminars at Haven on Gabriola Island. I’d gotten pretty “curvy” over the last ten years… two pounds gained each year over time. Thank goodness fitness has been in my daily routine... it's the greatest gift to myself, always has been and always will be. I'm feeling pretty good about my figure right now! : )
So, in addition to feeling much better and having more energy, I’ve lost another 4 pounds since going raw, down to the same slim and nicely comfortable weight I was at ten years ago… and down a total of 19 pounds from this time last year when I began my personal growth seminars at Haven on Gabriola Island. I’d gotten pretty “curvy” over the last ten years… two pounds gained each year over time. Thank goodness fitness has been in my daily routine... it's the greatest gift to myself, always has been and always will be. I'm feeling pretty good about my figure right now! : )

In addition to the “de-cluttering” of my physical body through raw eating, I have also been de-cluttering our home for a short 20 minutes each day… one closet, one drawer, one box at a time!
I went through my entire clothing closet and extracted 1/3 of the items I'd been keeping, some for 15 years. Business suits (no longer in style and not worn for 10 years), multi-sized items that no longer suit or even fit me... they're gone! My vanity dresser has been cleared of lotions and potions, cosmetics, hair barrettes, nail polishes, etc.
Next came de-cluttering our kitchen. A box of food went to our local Food Bank and six boxes of Tupperware containers, cookbooks, chachkas, flower vases, dishes... you name it... went to our local Ladies Auxiliary Store. They'll sell it and raise $$$ for necessary equipment at our St. Mary's Hospital here in Sechelt... so I'm not only helping ME, but others as well. Cool, hey!
I'm feeling more free and empowered as I...
- complete unfinished projects
- scan and saving digital photos
- catch up accounting
- and get rid of piles of paper
… so, even home is slowly getting cleaned up and more streamlined. Wow, this added component is such a HUGE piece to putting order to feeling freer and creating a simpler life!

Feeling healthier overall,
Labels: cleanse, de-cluttering, good health, health, raw food, The Haven