BALANCE... an all-important elixer of life to keep equilibrium... a much sought after space of mind, heart and Being. Renew yourself!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Completing Undesirable Projects

So, it is so three weeks later and we are FINALLY free from the serious snowfalls we had! Did you see the snow photo in my last blog entry? What an AMAZING unusual winter we're having! As of yesterday, after almost a month, our steep driveway can FINALLY be used again and now I am counting the weeks to spring's arrival. I swear I'm going to find a way to spend winter away from now on... and I live on the WEST coast... heavens, I can't even imagine what it would be like to live back east.

I suppose if there is a good thing to being snowed in, it's that it's given me additional time to reflect on the successes and shortfalls of last year... and to consider what I'd like to make fresh for this new year.

I don't know about you, but I love being tidy, having things in their right place and excess "stuff" GONE! A serious incompletion from last year that has been pulling at my attention has been the condition of my office desk and files. Papers have piled up that need filing, accounting needing finishing and submissions made to our accountant... afterall, it is coming up tax time soon. What a drag of negative energy I'd pulled forward into my New Year!

So, I piled in, finished, sorted, filed... yes, I also grumbled and groaned... then did even more sorting, filing and finishing. The result? I am caught up on some otherwise butt-dragging projects that were eating energy and pulling at me, even when I wasn't aware they were!

Do you have any unfinished projects like mine that are pulling at you? Likely you do! These unfinished projects do not promote Work and Life Balance.
Well, I highly recommend that you "bite the bullet" and dive into the very center of your chaos... for the sake of moving ahead with clean, clear, fresh momentum. Get caught up so you can be free.

I personally feel more liberated with my paperwork projects completed. Of course, there will always be other projects to divert my attention to next, but at least I've made progress with the undesirable ones so I can now also move on to the GREAT projects too, such as sorting and framing my favourite photographs.

To help you, here's my list of necessary ingredients to accomplish "that" unfinished task...
  1. a delicious pot of tea (or coffee)

  2. an internal parent plunking you down into that chair, telling you to "stay there until you're done" ... (joke, smile, tease)

  3. little nibbly foods to munch on as you work, preferably health ones such as an apple or almonds

  4. a stretch break every 30 minutes

  5. a pat on the back or a hug every hour, either from yourself or from a loved one congratulating you for a good job being done

  6. a reward at the end of the day, such as a long walk in nature, or a bubble bath

Completing old and unfinished projects will open space to create something new for this New Year. Don't just read this, try it out for yourself... you'll experience first hand how great it will feel!

Warmly, Carolyn

P.S. This is a super time to get your copy of our "BEST YOU' eBook... an inspiring toolkit FULL of ideas for you remaking yourself! More on decluttering, too.

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