Healing Touch for Health
Thanks to USA Today and Phil Galewitz for writing an encouraging article about Healing Touch, a gentle, energy-based alternative method of healing.
"Healing Touch... not just a rubdown."
"Healing touch is not a massage. Sometimes the practitioner's hands hover above the body and don't actually make contact. Healing touch is an "energy therapy" that uses gentle hand techniques purported to help re-pattern the patient's energy field and accelerate healing of the body and mind. It is based on the belief that people have fields of energy that are in constant interaction with the environment around them, Wardell says.
More than 86,000 nurses and other health professionals use healing touch in hospitals and in private practice, according to Healing Touch International, a non-profit Colorado-based group that certifies practitioners."

To read the entire article, entitled: "Healing Touch: A new patient outreach program" click on this link...
As a certified Healing Touch Practitioner myself, I am very excited to read stories of this nature! If you've never had a treatment (and, no, you DO NOT have to be sick in order to benefit!), gift yourself with one. It is a lovely process that quietens and re-balances the entire body, mind and spirit!
Warmly, Carolyn
Labels: alternative healing methods, healing, Healing Touch, USA Today