BALANCE... an all-important elixer of life to keep equilibrium... a much sought after space of mind, heart and Being. Renew yourself!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Stop and Smell the Dahlias!

I literally could not believe my eyes!

Walking within two city blocks in length of Dahlia flowers this late morning set my autumn senses on fire! The sun and shimmery dew were out and, for some reason, the bees were buzzing around only the orangy-red and yellow dahlias... why only those ones, I do not know.

Never before have I seen such incredible variety and colour... thanks to the kind folk at Dahlias Galore on the Sunshine Coast for opening their beautiful gardens to the public (and free of charge, too). With visiting friends, we sauntered the flower field, amazed at the glorious variations on colour, curl and size of flowers!

Have a look...

There are the bees on the orangy-red and yellow Dahlias I told you about!

(C)2007 All photographs belong to and are copywrited to Carolyn J. Clarke
To me, being out in nature is the very best Work and Life Balance "medicine" one could possibly find. Sure, tips and tools of reducing work hours, finding quiet moments of peace amidst chaos, limiting email checks, practicing meditation, etc. are all perfectly fine as helpful balance solutions, but...

... I say, simply put yourself out into Nature's beauty and THERE you will find Work and Life Balance. Nothing is complicated in Nature... it is only we, as humans, that make life so complex. Nature helps us remember that we are part of a more simple plan.

I came home after this morning outing feeling as though I'd had a "mellowing tonic" ... goodness me! Dahlias, they're positively intoxicating! If you can find some, before their favourite autumn season is over, who needs anything other than beauty to bliss out into balance... not me.

Today, I am in perfect balance, thanks to some magnificent flowers.

Still dahlia tipsy, Carolyn

For other (less flower-oriented Work and Life Balance tips), the BEST YOU Possible eBook is loaded with more "practical" balance tools... yours for $27 US... click on the link above.

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Perform An Act of Kindness Today

When life is bumpy and you're tempted to fall into an emotional rut, here's a simple remedy that will help your spirits... and others, too.

Set your sights on a person, whether you know him / her or not and make this person the recipient of a random act of kindness. Small kind acts can work wonders on life!
  • It might be as simple as offering a compliment, making sure that it is super sincere, though.

  • Offer your hand or your help to someone that is struggling with a challenge or a task.

  • Give an inexpensive gift to a person you know, such as a rose or a movie theater ticket, or ???

  • Extend a hug to someone that is hurting.

  • Offer to babysit a friends child for an hour so that she / he can have a little respite time.
What made me want to write about this today is that, despite the fact that I feel and think I appear tired, two of my community friends unexpectedly paid me nice compliments... at a time that really meant a lot to my tired spirits AND definitely perked me up.

It really doesn't take much to touch another person's heart in easy, little ways. Heck, you'll feel better for it, too!

Warmly, Carolyn

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