Stop and Smell the Flowers
I know you've heard the phrase... "Stop and smell the flowers!"
Since my participation in the Coming Alive program at The Haven Institute recently, I admit that things are changing for me. The important self-work I did in the group has helped me to realize some important things about myself, what motivates me and and what changes I desire to make to be an even better person.
Since my return home, one thing that I've noticed is how my senses seem to be ultra-sensitized! The early morning smells of earthiness almost bowl me over as a take my long walks. The colours around me seem to have become more saturated, with deeper greens and blues than what I seemed to notice pre-Coming Alive. It's almost like I put on a pair of polarizing filters over my eyes, bringing out the crisp clarity of colours and extra in-focus detail.
(C) 2007 Photo by Carolyn Clarke, all rights reserved.
The beautiful beach outside of The Haven was not your typical sandy or pebbly beach... it was mostly shelves of mssive volcanic rocks thrust up with the earth's changes over time.
Occasionally I came across what looked like impressions of a big bucket having been set down (as in the above photograph) which were, in fact, where a volcanic bubble had burst leaving a rather Zen-like permanent mark in the landscape. I smiled each time I saw one of these Zen circles, for it was like I was being reminded to move slowly, be mindful and be observant... as in meditation. Nature is so wonderful for its reminders.
My greatest joy in this past week, though, has come through watching the new mother and father Robin that nested outside our diningroom window and are now busy feeding their three newborn hatchlings. What a sight to behold! I steal frequent gentle glances at their routine of flying out to search for wriggling worms and ripe salmon berries to bring back to the hungry brood... such proud and devoted, responsible parents!Nature is all abounding us all day long... if we "stop long enough to smell the flowers!"
May you awaken to the bounty of life around you, too... a vital ingredient to life balance.
Warmly, Carolyn
Our eBook, "Becoming the BEST YOU Possible" is full of ways to get more in touch with Life Balance...
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Labels: Coming Alive, life balance, living in balance, meditation, photography, stop and smell the flowers, The Haven, The Haven Institute, Work and Life Balance, Zen