Women In Power - Secrets of Their Success
To all of you women viewers, I offer an interesting video today, entitled “Women In Power – Secrets of Their Success.”
This 9:52-minute long video looks at the issue of how women compare to men leaders. Interviewed are three powerful women business leaders; Arianna Huffington, Sarah Blakely and Jerri Devard… who talk about the unique strengths that women bring to the business world.

I really appreciated hearing the specific tips that women can make to climb into better corporate positions, everything from;
- building a deeper confidence within
- how looking after a family and household makes us better in business and
- learning to trust our guts more.
Have a look for yourself…
Hope you hear a few pearls of insight here… I know I did!
Warmly, Carolyn
for your copy of the BEST YOU eBook
Labels: Arianna Huffington, business leaders, Jerri Devard, Sarah Blakely, Women In Power