BALANCE... an all-important elixer of life to keep equilibrium... a much sought after space of mind, heart and Being. Renew yourself!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Our Return From Texas

Hello again!

Richard and I are just back from our great trip to Austin, Texas where we taught a "Balance For Wellbeing" seminar for the realtor and mortgage broker members of Core Training's Summit conference. All went very well and it was a treat to be with them again, a bi-annual event for us over the last two years now.

Thank you to the founders of Core for including us in their awesome program. Their money management emphasis are vital teachings that every person should have learn early in life in order to earn but especially save wisely, able to live prosperously within our means. Though in a very different business than the Core members, Richard and I always come away from these events feeling as though we learned valuable lessons to apply for our own lives, too.

What really inspires me at these events, though, is how motivated and optimistic each person is to grow their business, how they set achievable goals for each six month period of time... and have the drive to make these goals happen. Indeed, they are an inspiring bunch of business owners playing large in life and we admire them for it. Not only motivated, they're just a GREAT bunch of people, too. Our friendships are deepening and we appreciate that we're invited to contribute to their gaining more balance in their personal growth, their families, their relationships and in their self-care.

Happy that we took a few extra days to play after the completion of the conference, we rented a car and travelled around the countryside seeing small towns, massive ranches and enjoyed the warm sunshine and the gorgeous landscape. We were warmed by the Texan hospitality!

Without a doubt, we'd love to return to Texas... and if our lifestyle could manage it, we decided that the outskirts of Austin would be the perfect place to winter each year. Maybe that's a goal we'll work towards!

Anyways, I hope all is going well for you since we've been away and thanks for visiting again. I have lots to write about, so visit again soon.

Warmly, Carolyn
Inner Fitness(R) Programs

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