BALANCE... an all-important elixer of life to keep equilibrium... a much sought after space of mind, heart and Being. Renew yourself!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tests From the Universe


... just when life seems to be on a contented roll, a whollop comes from the sidelines to help me stay present.

What's the whollop?

Kidney stones! No, not again, please!!!

I got the dreaded call this morning. Richard's been up all night with severe pain in his back, just like many times in the past AND we both knew immediately what that likely meant.

After spending the day in emergency, waiting through tests and more tests, it was confirmed... yup, he's been growing a nasty "grain" that will likely be even more nasty to pass.

Surely, this is a test... it must be. How to remain calm, present and loving in the face of yet another crappy experience?!?

After finally tucking him into bed a short while ago (thankfully drugged out and feeling no pain on Demeral), I went for a long walk down to the water's edge, breathed fully the whole way and felt myself let go of the drama and, instead, come into this moment where I know it will all work out well... time permitting. What came to my attention?

- how much I love the quiet of our beautiful little community on the side of the mountain.

- how I can choose to get ruffled, or choose to be compassionate.

- how I choose a healthful lifestyle and can influence others with my example.

Let's hope this stone passes easily. I may have much more meditative breathing to practice yet, we'll see.


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