Sawyer Brown's Message About Compassion
Music has a powerful way of moving hearts and souls!
When I came across this video clip and had a listen throughout Sawyer Brown’s song, entitled “They Don’t Understand,” I knew I had to share it with you. What he sings about in the song reflects in ALL of our lives… love and loss, and the lack of tolerance by so many people in our fast-moving world today.
The use of the rushing river and emotional images helps this song to be powerful in imagery, and the words make it a healing song, too. Watch this touching 4:15 minute video clip, listen carefully to each of the words, and ask yourself how you respond when faced with similar situations… crying babies and slow drivers, etc.
Though the last part of the song has an overt message of spirituality in it, I urge you to do as I did... take the greater message of having loving compassion for all persons. Isn't that what spirit is all about, anyways.
I believe that if all of us were to slow down somewhat in our lives, heighten our compassion and consider the drama-filled life stories that others around us are enduring in their lives… we’d create an entirely more loving world to live in.
Thanks to Sawyer Brown for reminding us of this important message. Click on this link to view;

Inner Fitness(R) Programs
Labels: compassion, loss, love, Sawyer Brown, spirituality